MC cartridge loading: still baffled

I am using a low output moving coil cartridge- a retipped Linn Troika.  Recommended loading is 100-200 ohms which I have always followed.  My phono pre is an Ayre P-5xe and set to the highest gain.  Years ago, Michael at Ayre said most moving coil cartridges sounded best when loaded at 47k ohm using their phono pre.  I just got around to trying this setting and it does sound more open and better to me.  Lately, I am discovering that much of the dogma that I have been following isn't necessarily correct, at least with my system and to my ears.  Another example I found recently is that my arm/cartridge performs just fine with very little anti-skate force as opposed to just picking a setting equal to VTF as universally suggested.

Back to the loading question:  is the proper loading more a function of the phono pre or the cartridge itself?
lewm doubt your keeping score, but I have to give you
1 point for tortuosity. :)
I would guess that using a blank LP would give you a baseline for AS force, because I am guessing that the skating force on a blank surface would be a bit less in magnitude compared to that of a stylus traveling in a groove, where the contact points are to the side walls of the groove.  Whereas on a blank LP, the very tip of the stylus is all that would contact the vinyl.  Plus, the stylus is not having to negotiate tiny undulations due to the recorded signal. So, maybe less skating force.  If all this is so, then the blank LP could give a good baseline from which one might need to add a bit more AS force for playing LPs.  I dunno.  I certainly never meant to say it is dead wrong to use a blank LP, but I prefer either Mijo's suggested method (using the run-out grooves) or my own, which is apparently also the approach recommended by Frank Schroeder.  (At least I am in good company.)  I think this is enough tortuosity for all of us.
I am using TW ACUSTIC RPS100 which has multiple loading options.These loading options can be selected from the front of the unit.The phono is tube based 2 6dj8s and 2 12ax7s.The loading is determined by the cartridge.
too bad Michael has retired and went to Florida....I always enjoyed talking with him.  I'm using an Ortofon with Ayre, and after experimenting (a pain with most, but Ayre has those screw in connectors for resistors) I found 10K to sound better to my ears.  I would always say to satisfy your own preferences.  ( Gary has replaced Michael....another great guy)
Another person here who used to just follow cartridge manufacturer's recommendations for loading, but 47k sounds best with my Hyperion/NuVista Vinyl and Herron VTPH2A.