Help in deciding USB cable

Been searching high and low on the net for some comparisons on a few USB cables I am interested in. It’s for my office setup. Between Black cat Silverstar, Shunyata Venom, Furutech GT2, Mapleshade Clearview, Supra which ones have you heard/experienced? Any recommendations! Setup: Dedicated Music Laptop to play Tidal > Intona USB Isolator > OPPO 105 USB DAC > KEF powered speakers 
See the product report at the link here.  Ridiculously high performance to cost ratio.  If you don't like 'em, you can afford to just throw them out.  On the other hand the seller does allow returns.  Good luck.
Triode Wire Labs makes some really nice cables that don't break the bank. They've finally come out with a USB cable and here is a review of it:

All the best,
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Thanks for the response. Personally I believe that USB cables like other digital cables make a big difference in sound. I was really looking for some advice/suggestions on the cables I had listed in my post. Anyone?