unman M-900u for Focal Sopras 2 and 3

I'm driving a Focal Sopra 3 with PS Audio Monoblocks.  I want to switch to Luxman M-900u.  Is that amp strong enough to drive the Sopra 2 or 3?
It will destroy the Sopra so don’t worry. It can deliver at least 450watt at 3ohm and the Sopra need at max 400. In addition the luxman has the current to drive 2ohm with 600 watt and can jump to (1)ohm with 1200 watt.

It is made in JAPAN.
I've run an M900u on my TAD CR-1's and it gets them plenty loud (86 dB/2.83V/m).  Prior to that I was using the BHK 300 Mono's, and I have not felt volume constraint.  Now, they are not the best match for the TAD's, tonally (too light and zippy in combo), so I am back to using the BHK's (with the C900u preamp!). 
" I’ve run an M900u on my TAD CR-1’s and it gets them plenty loud (86 dB/2.83V/m). Prior to that I was using the BHK 300 Mono’s, and I have not felt volume constraint. Now, they are not the best match for the TAD’s, tonally (too light and zippy in combo), so I am back to using the BHK’s (with the C900u preamp!)."

I found a very similar thing with m-900 and Sopra No2 and also m-900 and Dynaudio Confidence 30; to my ears the results were threadbare-- yes ultra detailed but not engaging; Flat and more 2-d.
A Pass INT-250 fleshes out sound (have not tried this on the Focal Sopra) in a more engaging and dynamic way;
Last year I had an X250.8 with an ARC-LS27 and I find the INT-250 be a better value; amazing sound from one chassis.

You might want to experiment with the INT-250 on your TAD’s.
That could be an interesting amp to try.  I bought a Pass Labs XA 30.8 for use with some high sensitivity speakers, and also I tried it out with the TAD's.  It was a bit warmer and "gauzier" in the upper bass, low mids than I would like, and it seemed to lack dynamic spark.  Now, it could just be underpowered for the TAD's, clearly, but it was not a good match.  So far, the BHK mono's have been the best with them.
As with all things in audio, you do hear some alluring aspects from the M900u that make you want that, but mixed with the best virtues of the other amps you try - - keeps us wishing, doesn't it!