Help in deciding USB cable

Been searching high and low on the net for some comparisons on a few USB cables I am interested in. It’s for my office setup. Between Black cat Silverstar, Shunyata Venom, Furutech GT2, Mapleshade Clearview, Supra which ones have you heard/experienced? Any recommendations! Setup: Dedicated Music Laptop to play Tidal > Intona USB Isolator > OPPO 105 USB DAC > KEF powered speakers 
Ghulamr - I read "Any recommendations!" as opening the door to brands not listed.  While I have a Stereovox XV2 digital coax & Blackcat Silverstar 75, no experience with Chris's USB cable (or the others on your list).  

@mesch - You are welcome.  Hope you are as pleasantly surprised as I was.  


@ghosthouse thank you and I agree. I should have been more accurate. Black Cat Silverstar USB us really hard to come by - been looking but no luck. So for me it really comes down to the 2, Shunyata Venom and Supra USB. Confused between the two. 
ghulamr - are you US-based?  Both the Shunyata Venom & Supra Type I are  available on Amazon and that usually means a 30 day return period.
Music Direct also carries Shunyata products and they have a 60 day return policy.  The Cable Co. carries Shunyata as well but only a 10 day return. 

Looking at the prices of these two, I suspect the Monoprice Monolith will compete very well with them and possibly provide better sound.  Inhome audition is the best way to decide.