Slot, tray, or top load?

Any thoughts on the inherent advantages/disadvantages between CD loading mechanisms? Between slot, tray, and top loaded CD transports/players, which do you consider the best and why?

Like Soix said, ripping the music to files is the way forward, along with music files that are downloaded.
Asking a question about which type of CD player and getting answers favoring streaming is like being on a car forum and someone asks which brand of clutch plates work best for a certain situation and some of the answers say to get a car with an automatic.

All the best,
I've own/owned all of them.  I prefer the top load of my CEC.  Never liked the slot load.  I was always afraid that it would somehow scratch a CD, (it never did), like my car CD player was prone to.

I agree that you do need extra clearance for the top loaders.
I had one top loader, the Rega Apollo.  It was a slow, finicky machine that rejected many discs as unreadable that played just fine on other players.  I have no idea if the top loading had anything to do with it, but I was glad when I got rid of it
+1 @nonoise 
the question was not about CD vs streaming.  No need to evangelise about the joys of streaming on an unrelated thread. 

Toploading for me, although a manual closing tray like Naim do, is a good compromise if you don’t want the CDP atop the rack.