Streamer opinion.. Pease comment on validity.

Please comment on the below statement. 

"A streamer is just a digital network appliance. It connects to a network, renders a digital stream, and spits out either analogue or digital audio stream. It's just digits; you don't need an 'audiophile network streamer' for the digital aspect. The 'audiophile' stuff is handled by the DAC. If the DAC can't clean up noise and jitter on the digital inputs, it's poorly engineered; look elsewhere."
Yeah, and when CD players first came out they were all supposed to sound the same too.  Guess this now makes streamers the new “Perfect Sound Forever.”  Ya Mon. 
Anyone have a technical opinion/ information on the subject?

Maybe a couple of real world a/b’s between
Streamers hooked to the same DAC?
Yeah, and when CD players first came out they were all supposed to sound the same too.  Guess this now makes streamers the new “Perfect Sound Forever.”  Ya Mon.
Yes, I hear what you are saying, but I also wonder how much the harsh sound was the fault of the player versus the quality of the CD itself.  Remember all the different designations on how the CD was mastered (if that's the right term).  I thought some of the early Phillips and Denons sounded pretty good.
I agree with one part that if a DAC can’t clean up noise and jitter it’s poorly engineered especially those built within the last few years. I don't have extensive knowledge on tons of CD players but those I have heard recently running through the same external DAC using the player as just a transport have very little difference to me. I would think as you go up the chain streamers that use better parts have a better user interface will have improved sound where the point of diminishing returns sets in I'll never know as I can't afford an uber expensive streamer.