Why you want upsampling and upconversion in a server and why it sounds way better!

One of Roon's and Jrivers best advantages is the ability to digitally reprocess your data. 

With an appropriate server you can take for example a 16 bit 44k Tidal stream and reprocess that data stream to DSD or to reprocess to 24bit 192k, 384k, even up to 768k.

In our tests almost accross the board most listeners perfer DSD or high res PCM data streams.

The counter arguement is that if you start with 16 bit 44k sample you can't do any better as that  is the source.

Going through Facebook we got a post that showed the Lumiere brothers first film shot in 1894 with a steam locomotive. 

The second video showed the same Lumiere video reprocessed using AI to create a 4k video stream out of the same video footage. 

The first video is the native source the second shows the reprocessed video the differences aren't subtitle even if you reprocess the native video you are able to extract a signifigantly higher quality image. 

We have been saying this for years even if you don't start out with a true high res source through the magic of computer reprocessing you can create a pseudo high res data packet that still sound far better than ifs original form.


Watch the video and see what you think. Sure it is always best to start with a true high resolution image but in the case of not having a true high resolution music fille the ability to use digital reprocessing can create a signal that will sound far better providing that your dac and server are up to the task.

Dave and Troy
Audio Doctor NJ

I've done most of my upsampling to 768k using PCM. I have just been experimenting with DSD 512 upsampling on my Lumin X1.

Pretty much the same results. DSD always tends to sound a little smoother anyway, but in a way I find artificial. The upsampled sound produced a slight background glare that I did not care for, and certainly did not sound better than playing it at native PCM resolution.
OK, having just done some informal comparisons I am now absolutely ready to render the definitive verdict on the subject. For me. :)

I went from straight PCM streaming to DSD 128. I agree with @rossb - Mostly what I heard was in the range of cymbals. Little that I heard was all that in terms of information, it felt like the top 2 octaves were turned up, and far too much at the cymbal range.

It did not seem natural, but I can see why in a quick listen it may be impressive. I did not hear better sound stage for instance, or deeper fuller bass. What I heard was in the range of selecting different filter settings in a DAC.

In the end, I’m not keeping this setting active. If I want the same effect I'll turn the treble up.
I remember you saying previously that your Brooklyn gave issues occasionally when switching between differing resolution rates.

Not sure if that is a trait of the Brooklyn though as I cannot say I ever had it happen on my Brooklyn?

Good to see you back.
Was a little worried by your absence in light of the fires.
Hope all is well.
I remember you saying previously that your Brooklyn gave issues occasionally when switching between differing resolution rates.

Not sure if that is a trait of the Brooklyn though as I cannot say I ever had it happen on my Brooklyn?

I’ve had at least one other person say it happens to them as well, but did not delve further. I’m listening exclusively to PCM via USB. This may not happen over coax or optical. It is not a big enough deal for me to ask it to be fixed, I just hope some day to be able to afford to trade it in for a Manhattan. :)

Also, I have kind of suspicions it has to do with how hot the DAC gets, so I try to leave it elevated and away from the amp.

I know this happens when I hear music, but it sound like beez are buzzing around in the speakers. I have to switch back to whatever mode it is stuck in, and then switch again.

Also, it has done this with a variety of Linux servers and software (Squeezelite, Roon) acting as sources. Would be interesting if this was for instance a Linux driver only sort of issue.