How many speaker companies?

It seems like every time I look up someone is inquiring about XYZ speaker manufacturer, that I have never even heard of .
Does anyone have an  estimate of how many speaker companies there are in the world ?
thanks !
It is the same old consumer beware monologue. Most people have no idea what they are listening to all present excluded of course. Remember Bose sold millions of 901s. One of the worst performing speakers of all time. So, it is no surprise there are hundreds of manufacturers making sub optimal products. As long as they make them look nice they will sell. It is looks not sound that sell most loudspeakers. After all there is a healthy profit margin in them. God bless Mark Levinson and David Wilson.
Those of us who are serious know exactly what we want to hear and usually know where to look. We discount 90% of the market almost instantly. These manufacturers are making speakers for people who would rather buy a bigger TV.