Speakers that image best from corners 12' apart

the subject line nets this query out, but I'm trying to find speakers to use in my living room. Klipschorns are out as this is a formal living room so WAF is a consideration. The room is 13'x15'. There is a wall unit 9' wide that will sit between the speakers. I've tried multiple speakers in this room but none like being spread that far apart. Presently I'm using Totem Sttafs and I pull them out into the room when listening. This isn't my primary listening room so I don't want to do that. I simply want a speaker that's optimized for corner placement and runs full range.

Budget-wise I'd like to stay under $1000, preferably well under that. I'm expecting to buy used.

Floor standing is preferred.

Is there a solution for me?

the wall unit is killing any image you hope for, however, I like Audio Note speakers in the corners, they image fine in my 13 x 22 room. You could pull the speakers a bit forward but leave them near the wall. Audio Note would still work good for this.

good luck
the wall unit is killing any image you hope for
thanks . . . yea, I figured as much. I'm just seeking to make the most of a bad situation. thanks again!
As mentioned, Audio Note speakers will work well in this application with regard to corner position but your wall unit is probably the imaging killer. Many years ago I had an open frame wall unit between speakers and when it was removed the imaging and soundstaging improved dramatically to the point where I finally understood what it was all about.
I would be tempted to try "bookshelf" speakers that can go in or on your wall unit.