'Short' horns

I rarely see anything related to this subject but want to know the experiences and opinions of those who have used either speakers that utilize short horns, or the experience of anyone who has attached them to an existing speaker. I enjoy experimentation with just about anything audio, so these are on my list.
 Man, I just checked out the Viking website. This is very impressive woodworking! Not manufactured, but handcrafted. Simply beautiful. I was no master at the lathe, but this does give inspiration to the idea. Thanks for the reference.
Also, look at the Cessaro Wagner l- that’s a pretty good example of a LeCleach horn at the top.  It’s smaller- I had a woodturner here in Chicago turn a pair for me, with a full range driver from around 700 Hz to 20 kHz the sound is pretty stunning.  One of the things I noticed with a shallower design is there’s less “shout” than is sometimes typical of horns with more depth.
  The midrange shout of many single driver designs is especially harsh for me to listen to. I absolutely agree with the danger of this being the outcome should the wrong taper, driver choice, or other mistake is made. 
 I also agree that the presentation from some kind of lucky selection of each component can yield no less than amazing results. More than anything it seems to come from the dispersion and volume in balance with one another. Get it to your ears before any trouble starts, HA!