PS Audio DirectStream DAC measurements by ASR

Just discovered this thread because I am very interested in PS Audio Stellar Gaincell. The negative review shook me a bit, and the back and forth over it is quite charged. As a novice, I don't have an opinion on the "Do measurements matter?" question, though a recent interview Steve Guttenberg did with John Atkinson did raise the role of measurements. They're not be all, end all, but they tell you if equipment is meeting established standards. At the very least, the negative review that Amir did established some differences between measurement claims vs. what he measured. That, at least, merits some rebuttal from the makers.
Not True! ASR measured the Chord Qutest and it was SOTA and Stereophile measurements had the same results. I own it and it’s fantastic! 😆
I find this whole discussion quite interesting. It shows that the twain shall never meet. I specialize in personality profiling. For analytical people measurements rule. For feeling people, sound rules. There is no way to convince one another. Most things are judged by different standards.

What I do see is that in Amir's web site, his reviews and the comments from his followers are passionately and unnecessarily cruel and nasty. There is no need for name calling and personal attacks questioning integrity. Paul is not the devil incarnate.

I am a feeling guy and love PS Audio's customer policies. I have the opportunity to evaluate their gear for 30 days. This gives me time to let it break in and return it if it doesn't meet my expectations at PS Audio's expense with no restocking fee. Zero cost, zero risk. What more can someone spending good money on a piece of audio gear ask for?

Paul does not always get it right. Who does? But Amir and followers appear to be on a crusade to crucify him.

Being a feeling guy I think of music listening like sex. Do you take measurements of pulse, blood pressure and whatever metrics might apply to ensure that the experience is pleasurable? Or, do you just know it feels great and enjoy it? Do the metrics of a great orgasm really matter?
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