thanks for the further thoughts on MSB - I am starting to pick up they may be in a separate class.
you actually raise another point - should i be strongly considering running a DAC with incorporated preamp directly into power amp vs using my c1100 as a preamp.
and - Here are some further thoughts i am wrestling with that i posted on another forum as well (essentially whether i should just drive cd playback considerations completely out of my mind and for those that have invested heavily in their digital capabilities have you similarly invested heavily in your analog/vinyl playback):
- The idea of a CD player/transport is still hanging around...I dont have a large cd collection at all (pitiful, tbh)...but for some reason, whether it is the physical medium/ownership/familiarity from my youth) I keep wondering if I should think of getting a 2-box transport/DAC or an integrated player/DAC, rather than just a DAC and streamer.
- Originally, after getting my Mac setup, I was going to get a vinyl setup. Once I started to understand how high the costs could go on a really great vinyl rig, however, I decided to postpone and just go digital with its convenience and lower cost outlay. As I have been delving more into the digital research, I find myself sliding into more expensive areas than I was originally thinking of negating some of the benefit of going the ‘lower’ cost solution vs analog...
I still think the digital pieces I am thinking of are still less than the outlay for the phono (I was thinking like CA Master Innovation/ goldfinger just to give a sense of outlay) but its not as big a price difference as originally if I am thinking about something like Vivaldi or MSB or 2-box transport/DAC...
Any thought on making a BIG investment in the DAC (and potentially player/transport/streamer) setup vs REALLY BIG investment in turntable/arm/cartridge vs REALLY BIG investment in on top of the line digital like MSB?
Obviously, these are very first class issues - however, I am not fortunate enough to be so well of that I can view these outlays as immaterial spends...they represent true investments that require sacrifices for me (albeit sacrifices of other disposable spend, likely lol)...but, at any rate, not really in a position to view the spend as simply ‘sure, why not’.