Higher End DACs

I am looking for a DAC (potentially streamer&DAC) to be paired in a mcintosh system (c1100/611). Its my first foray into digital streaming and I have no need for a CD player.

I see a lot of love for Esoteric, however, most seems to be around their transports? Are they not as renowned for pure digital streaming and/or standalone DACs? I see DCS (for instance) often referenced for standalone DACs - how does Esoteric compare?
Guys, again many thanks!

these comparative thoughts are fantastic on giving me some indication of what’s out there.

i will keep everyone updated on tests/decisions/etc.

one additional nuance popped up to me - it seems the DCS top of the line is at a very different price point than MSB.  Might that have anything to do with the modular nature of MSB (and expected lifespan of the product).  I recognize DCS has software upgradability but, perhaps, the modular hardware on the MSB lines bring that to an even higher level of future proofing?
MSB, is a breed apart at the top of the line. and a price to match. build quality is on a different level with dual mono power supplies, and casework out of solid billet. the modular design is appropriate since digital interfaces seem to evolve. and MSB designs and builds everything in-house, including miniaturizing their modules. for myself, in my just over 2 years of owning the MSB i’ve had 3 new modules at very reasonable costs and zero cost firmware upgrades. great support from MSB.

their passive analog volume control is legendary and it takes a very spendy stand alone preamp to equal or surpass it. the dCS approach of multiple boxes requires multiple expensive signal cables and power cables. in some systems that alone could pay for the difference in cost.

10 year warranty and upgrades at the retail price difference included.

lots of real design and build value, beyond the performance aspects.
Mikelavigne wrote "more math is not our friend as music lovers" .
This statement represents much wisdom and extensive listening experience. He’s right in my opinion.

thanks for the further thoughts on MSB - I am starting to pick up they may be in a separate class.

you actually raise another point - should i be strongly considering running a DAC with incorporated preamp directly into power amp vs using my c1100 as a preamp.

and - Here are some further thoughts i am wrestling with that i posted on another forum as well (essentially whether i should just drive cd playback considerations completely out of my mind and for those that have invested heavily in their digital capabilities have you similarly invested heavily in your analog/vinyl playback):

- The idea of a CD player/transport is still hanging around...I dont have a large cd collection at all (pitiful, tbh)...but for some reason, whether it is the physical medium/ownership/familiarity from my youth) I keep wondering if I should think of getting a 2-box transport/DAC or an integrated player/DAC, rather than just a DAC and streamer.

- Originally, after getting my Mac setup, I was going to get a vinyl setup. Once I started to understand how high the costs could go on a really great vinyl rig, however, I decided to postpone and just go digital with its convenience and lower cost outlay. As I have been delving more into the digital research, I find myself sliding into more expensive areas than I was originally thinking of negating some of the benefit of going the ‘lower’ cost solution vs analog...

I still think the digital pieces I am thinking of are still less than the outlay for the phono (I was thinking like CA Master Innovation/ goldfinger just to give a sense of outlay) but its not as big a price difference as originally if I am thinking about something like Vivaldi or MSB or 2-box transport/DAC...

Any thought on making a BIG investment in the DAC (and potentially player/transport/streamer) setup vs REALLY BIG investment in turntable/arm/cartridge vs REALLY BIG investment in on top of the line digital like MSB?

Obviously, these are very first class issues - however, I am not fortunate enough to be so well of that I can view these outlays as immaterial spends...they represent true investments that require sacrifices for me (albeit sacrifices of other disposable spend, likely lol)...but, at any rate, not really in a position to view the spend as simply ‘sure, why not’.

@ufguy73 and @mikelavigne It will be helpful if you put numbers up for comparisons with / to the other available options. Mike, in your system, the additional spend on cables and isolation, etc. for the Select II. Thanks.