Setup ONCE, on, enjoy, at the ready:
remote balance tweak from listening position
2. remote volume from listening position
2a. Loudness Contour is automatically engaged by lowering the volume whereby bass boost is progressively engaged.
This, as noted, is misunderstood, and most often improperly setup, hence disliked, omitted, turned off. OK, but, low volume bass boost, done right, is natural sounding, retaining your involvement even at low volume listening.
ON: Default centered. Mostly not needed.
A track that might be improved? tweak a bit left (or right). From your chair, instant results/evaluation. It is remarkable how everything can 'open up' with just a slight adjustment
Back to center
Maybe tomorrow, another track needs a slight fix.
A 'greatest hits' disc, compilation disc, various artists: i.e. 12 different recording environments, 12 artists/engineers, using ____? monitoring system, this is the most frequent use of remote balance tweak.
set it up once. then, for Loudness (low volume bass boost) it is automatic
1. on, normal listening volume is default, no bass boost
2. remote volume
2a. up no bass boost
2b. down from default volume after a bit begins automatic bass boost
I like to adjust things? In the beginning, yes, then, when confident leave it alone.
I will not be beaten by a machine. I read the entire manual, circles and arrows, dogeared pages.
Elderly here will remember the late 70's, VCR's, with the worst instruction books ever written. College graduates could not set the clock, thus worthless.
I learn every option, prove it all works within the return period. (These days I've already researched, no so before internet)
Then, initial period: evaluate any option that I might use or want to understand even if I don't think I will ever use it.
You might have noticed, I try to share/explain things for people who don't RTFM. I want them to get the best they can out of .....