So It`s Ok To Mix and Match Ported and Sealed Subwoofers ??

I`m completely set on adding 2-4 more subs in addition to the one I have now.

Seemed the concensus was to either run ported or sealed not both.
In a music only system like mine the vast majority say to go sealed.

I now realize that the Original Swarm uses ported subs...somehow I missed that part, so there goes the sealed only for music idea !
Then, I see where in a room like mine I might be better off using a mix of ported AND sealed.

My room is about 20' x 17' with a slanted vaulted ceiling 12' at the peak.
There`s a hallway at the left corner on the front wall and another hallway on the back wall in the corner.

There`s a set of double doors to the left that open to a family room/kitchen area. . The double doors are open at the top so it`s not a sealed room.

 So...IS IT ok to mix ported and sealed then ?

Hello Steve,

     Okay, good.  You should be aware that I went from 2 subs to 4 subs in my system search for high quality bass.  I've never tried 3 subs but one of the most prolific acoustic researchers and advocates of the 4-sub DBA concept, Dr. Earl Geddes, has stated that 3-sub DBAs can be as effective as 4-sub DBAs if the 3 subs are properly positioned and configured, with configured meaning the volume, crossover frequency and phase controls are optimally set.
     I have no reason to doubt that 3 subs can work well but I can't help thinking that optimum positioning of each sub is likely more important when 3 subs are used than when 4 subs are used.  I have complete confidence in the crawl method of sequentially positioning each sub in a room, since I've used it effectively in my room with 2 and 4 subs, but wanted to make sure you're aware of exactly how to do this.
     I'm also thinking that you have the option of creating a custom 4-sub DBA system, by including your smaller 10" self-amplified sub as the 4th sub, if you'd like.  In other words, your room is large enough that I'm fairly certain that 3 large subs will provide high quality bass throughout your entire room, if precisely positioned and configured, but I'm very close to certain that 3 large subs and a 4th smaller sub will do so.
     I still  think a good plan is to setup a 3-sub DBA system, closely evaluate the results for a few weeks and progress to setting up a 4-sub DBA system only if you're not completely satisfied with the 3-sub DBA system results.

Erik...I`m looking forward to them !

Tim...I`ve done the crawl method a few times over the years.
Sub placed at the listening spot then the crawl .
I mark the different spots that have strong bass with tape on the floor.

Then I would go back and pick which spot has the best tone.
I plan on doing that with each sub...including the 10" :)

FedEx initially said the subs would be here Weds, just got a txt earlier saying 1 of the 2 will be here tomorrow Tues.
Seems the subs went their separate ways at the Louisiana facility so 1 went out from there later than the other.
Oh well....should be interesting and fun even with just the one ! 

Hello Steve,

     I consider fun and enjoyment the only results that matter in this crazy hobby.
