Auralex SubDude

Anyone using the Auralex Acoustics SubDude underneath their powered subwoofer?

According to the web site:
"Its purpose is to prevent sound from transmitting through your subwoofer to surrounding surfaces."

Does the SubDude really work as advertised?

What sonic benefits have you experienced?

No problem. I wasn't much help but please definitely share your thoughts on the subdude. I know it helped in my case.


I've seen the SubDude go from $50 to $60 each new from various online e-tailers.

Sometimes you can get lucky on the secondary market and get them for min $25. I used to check CL all the time for Auralex or other room treatments. Sometimes I would luck out.
Thanks for bringing the SubDude back into my consciousness.
I just ordered one from Amazon - $49.95 delivered.

I've used a pair of these under my three-way speakers and I think they're great - a more thorough "decoupling" from the floor than what you'll get with a lot of feet-and-spike arrangements. The sheer height of the subdude also plays a role as far as taming the bass boominess.
I just wanted to bump this thread. I got a Subdude today and stuck it under my Linn Akurate 221 subwoofer. The improvement is immediate and obvious. For the price, everyone with a subwoofer should give it a try. Best $50 I ever spent on audio. I'm going to try their smaller pads under my monitors.