Schiit vs. Mytek vs. Chord - looking for some thoughts

Looking for some thoughts on the following DACs:
1. Schiit Bifrost 2 Multibit
2. Chord Qutest
3. Mytek Brooklyn DAC+
I’m mainly interested in RedBook and DSD hi-res playback. I’m not looking for sacrifices in redbook in favor of hi-res. 
Has anyone compared any combination of these side by side? What are the sonic characteristics of each and compared to others? What DAC would you choose and why?
Thanks in advance!

The Qutest is a great performing DAC on it’s own. I prefer the green and orange filters with my system. Another DAC that is great is the MHDT Labs Orchid which is a tube based. Upgrade the tube to a western electric 396a d-getter jw military tube and you will be blown away. I have both DACs. The Qutest is very detail oriented but not at all harsh. Some say it has a warm quality but I think it has a vivid rich sound.  I did have the opportunity to hear a Qutest paired with the Chord MScaler and the experience was mind blowing.
Ended up with the Chord Qutest. Very happy with it. Not much to complain about. With the Warm (orange) filter, it is smooth, throws a large soundstage. No listening fatigue, not analytical and just draws you in. A joy to listen to. 
Congrats on the purchase. It can be brain racking trying different DACs but I found when I heard the Cutest, my hunt was over.