So what is the best speaker you have ever owned?

I would like to know what the best speakers in any system that you have owned personally, not just listened. Specifically, what characteristics made it better than anything else? (imaging, bass, dynamic range, smoothness, size, looks, distortion, how it moves air, price, etc.)
thanks, Nita
first is defintiely my current Magnepan 3.6R's, next would be Klipschorns. I'm actually building a new house, and the Maggies will make the trip and take up residence in a media room with a new external crossover, biamped finally in much the same system I now have.

For the main family/great room, I had it designed with 2 enclosed corners for a reason the wife did not figure out! Klipschorns will go there, along with a Cary SLI80 F-1 Signature I procured. So I will own both my favorites again. Very different sounds, but I like them both. Now I just need to find another very good B & O Beogram 8002 for the family room system.
>>02-01-11: Hifisoundguy
Improved BOSE series 6 mk2's... CD's sound like Analog<<

If cd's sound like analog, I'd say that speaker sucks.

Big time.
@ Mceljo
The question was stated as anything but a subjective experience.
Lets say the answer is "Screamingloudbigbottoms Mark III Reference fullrange monitors" can only be stated as in your experience (relative circumstances implied). In no way does anyone see it a question askong for an objective, best speaker, you could possibly own.