So what is the best speaker you have ever owned?

I would like to know what the best speakers in any system that you have owned personally, not just listened. Specifically, what characteristics made it better than anything else? (imaging, bass, dynamic range, smoothness, size, looks, distortion, how it moves air, price, etc.)
thanks, Nita
@ Mceljo
The question was stated as anything but a subjective experience.
Lets say the answer is "Screamingloudbigbottoms Mark III Reference fullrange monitors" can only be stated as in your experience (relative circumstances implied). In no way does anyone see it a question askong for an objective, best speaker, you could possibly own.
Mechans; are you kidding me? You obviously haven't heard the Revised Screamingloudbigbottoms Mark IIIa Reference Platinum Statements with outboard crossovers. Now those babies move straight into the realms of the least for anyone with two working ears. I think they were actually made from Adam's other ribs by The Creator and multiplied like the fabled fish to feed the many hungry ears who can actually afford them.

Actually, I think the point that Mceljo might have been emphasizing (and they can correct me if I'm wrong as can the OP they're referring to), is that in the course of many years and many speakers, a personal best may be somewhat relative to the system and room it was installed in at the time, while some that were not favored may have been far better under different circumstances. At least that's what I was taking as being "relative". Otherwise, you are quite right that the question is asking for a personal experience and opinion and is pretty obvious that it's entirely subjective. Except, of course, for the RSLB Mk. IIIa RP!
I realize how many speakers I have not heard. I now own the best speakers I've ever had, Wilson Maxx IIs. Truly full range (with a couple of bumps in my room), wonderful detail, pace, et al. This thread makes me want to own a lot of other speakers so I can experience their qualities.
Tonian Labs TL-D1s. They are the most natural I've heard and still own. Effortless and yet dynamic when needed. Not much bass below 40Hz but what they do, they do so well. Tons of tone, body, air, you name it. I always run out of superlatives and ways to say it.