Any reason not to place stand mounted speakers upside down?

I ask because, for example, Harbeth perform best when the tweeters are at ear level, but I have some very good stands (Osiris!) that are taller than ideal. So, if I were to place them upside down...

Apparently Alan Shaw sees no problem, but points out that the bass would be boosted. I'd be interested to hear other views.


@onhwy61 Of course, but I was asking about the views of using any speakers upside down, not only Harbeth.
It really depends upon the specific loudspeaker.  Some will have problems, as others have noted, and some won't.  Same thing with turning them sideways.
Agree it w/onhwy61 depends on the design.

For example, you don’t want to turn a time aligned speaker on its head.

But sometimes depending on your speaker height vs seating position it could be desirable.
If your current Speaker placement is at a Null in the room then a Boost in 
Bass would be good ...

Lak has given you the best advice. I have the HL5+ and I use Skylan stands that are specifically made for my Harbeths. However, I had them build mine 2" shorter because of my somewhat low seating position. Perfect!