Friend needs advice for $8,000 system

My friend is starting out from scratch with an $8,000 budget. He listens to all sorts, but mainly indie rock. He's keen on the Magnepan .7 speakers and lives in a small apartment, so listening room about 4x3 metres. Don't worry about cables. We just need a power amp, a turntable, a cartridge, a phono stage, NOS tubes, and a DAC.

How do we achieve:

Truthful tonality/timbre

Truthful harmonics

Liquid sound



Soundstage Coherence

All for $8,000 new.


Integrated amplifier: I'd go used tube integrated (McIntosh), but new I'd say Rogue Sphinx with built in phono (tubes, $1500).

Turntable/arm: Used is a much better value, but probably if new VPI Scout-level deck with VPI arm (about $2500)

DAC: Schiit, good inexpensive DAC like the Modi or further up the Schiit line (no more than $500).

Cartridge: Nagaoka MM (several at less than $500)

Cables: Cheap wire for speakers and scrounge up a few hundred more for basic interconnect cables to start.

Subwoofer: wait on this until out of the small apartment, but will be necessary eventually.  
By choosing Magnepans, your friend is greatly limiting his choice of amplifiers. 

How do we achieve:

Truthful tonality/timbre

Truthful harmonics

Liquid sound



Soundstage Coherence

Well for starters you don't do it with freebie patch cords and rubber power cords. No amount of NOS tube rolling in your DAC will get you there. You ask a question, don't go around removing posts just because your special snowflake sensitivity is triggered by the truth. That only makes you look weak, in addition to misinformed.
Magnepan .7...... 5k left? Ok Here Ya go.

Odyssey Stratos 1350.00 (made to pair with Maggies & Klaus will bias for .7 )
Schiit Freya Plus Pre 899.00 w Mani 129.00
Chord Qutest DAC 1695.00
Rega Planar One 475.00

Subtotal: 4548.00 Then try some different cartridges.

Those Maggies will sound best behind the tube pre and with an amp that delivers the current...not watts. I would love to hear this in a small room.
Also I run 1.7s Enjoy :)

I would explore the market for a good integrated amplifier in the $2000-$2500 range, possibly with phonostage, and of the remaining  $2500-$3000 dollars I would allocate more to the vinyl side than to the DAC if vinyl was of equal importance.

What sources are to be used with the DAC?