@ufguy73, People who love listening to music realize that it is a lot easier to put together a really good system when you choose it based on HOW it sounds to "your ears". We do not all hear things the same, we do not all have same desires of a system's sonic delivery and character and everyone's environment is different. In addition, everyone has a different budget meaning you choose an audio system depending on how it sounds AND how much it costs.
I suggest you listen to your audio system, AGAIN, and see what happens. Does the music move you? Does the music sound great? Does the music get your attention? OR, does the music sound dull and flat? Does the bass sound okay or not? How is the imaging? Does the music have feeling or is it dull? Does the music sound clear and with more musical detail? How do the vocals sound? If your audio system sound great, you are done! If not, then you need to examine your components and decide what change, if any, needs to be made. Sometimes maybe all you need is a cable upgrade.
If you are unable to make these decisions, then go listen to live music to hear what good sound sounds like. AND, also, go to your local audio retailer and listen to their systems to help decide what you like and do not like. Visit your friends and listen to their audio systems. You need to audition these components and decided what sounds you like. If you are still UNABLE to decide, it means you are NOT ready. This means you need to do more listening. If possible, see if you can borrow a component to see how it sounds in your listening room. And, most important, do not rush the process. I hope this helps.