Favorite DAC?

As I am pondering venturing into the DAC arena, there are a few that come to mind. My question is what is your personal favorite and why? Also, do you prefer the Solid State versions or the Tubed versions? Certain ones that I am considering would be the Electrocompaniet, AudioMeca, Levinson, Musical Fidelity in the solid state. In the tubed version would be like a Kora or an Audio Logic.

Thanks for all opinions.

Good listening,

I use my Audio Aero Mark II for all of my DAC needs. I use the toslink for Satellite, coax for DVDs and I run my CDs from the Audio Aero. The Audio Aero has a volumn control and i understand the newest versions will even have an analog input so I can run my receiver through it and then I get a full preamp and CD player all in one and this might even justify the price.
What about these?
Burmester Reference Line SRC D/A Converter 970
MBL 1611D
dCS Elgar Plus
Wadia 27ix (a new series 9000 statement DAC available soon)
Boulder 2020
Mark Levinson No. 30.6 Reference Digital Processor
Spectral Audio SDR-3000 (a new SDR-4000 statement DAC soon)
Forsell Air Reference DAC
Goldmund Mimesis 20M
Weiss Medea
Audiomeca Enkianthus X
Meridian Refeference 861

Jadis JS-1
Audio Note/Kondo Onagaku KSL 24
Sonic Frontiers Processor 3
Audio Aero Prima
Audio Logic MXL 24
Tube Research Labs PGT Reference Multichannel Processor
I love my Stellavox ST2 DAC(the latest version!$1800.00)by Goldmund (it has a sound comes close to Golmund Mimesis 21 DAC ($11,000.00) which is paired up with my EMC1 UP 24/192 CDP even though the DAC is only 24/96 but it sounnds dynamic, articulate, musical and transparent (I do not even use the sub for my monitors Dulcinea). This is the best solid state DAC I ever have.
I have found that the setup of all equipment, especially the ones responsible for conversion/amplification, to have significant impact on the sound. By this I mean that with good powercords with clean power, isolation devices, and interconnects, an otherwise mid-priced DAC can be made to sound superior to ultra expensive DACs.

Anyway, in answer to your query, the 2 brands of DACs which I prefer are the Meridian and Theta. Preferred powercord : JPS Digital AC. Preferred isolation : DH Jumbo cones on special composite material. Preferred power source : PS Audio P300.