Are Bowers and Wilkins speakers overpriced?

I see a lot of negative commentary on B&W. Why? Are they overpriced? Do they not sound as amazing as they look? Are they too “main stream”? - I love my 805 d3’s but curious why they get such a bad rep. 
@thyname -

"1) Speakers are highly personal. Get those YOU like. There are no one-size-fits-all speakers."
EXACTLY correct!
Are B&W overpriced?  A completely subjective opinion . . .
i know this is lower end but i bought a pr of 703s2’s for a second system and find them much more musical with the new continuum midrange driver vs the older kevlar driver. They were $3500(now 4k) and I think of them as sort of a value. It’s a well designed attractive speaker that’s a floor stand model. A prudent shopper can make a very nice system using them plus a b&w subwoofer. Very much worth a listen in this price range. I didn’t care too much for the previous versions. 
Overpriced is a personal determination -- would you rather have the product or the money in your pocket?
and overpriced or not, enough people love 'em that they hold their value on the used market very well...