Are Bowers and Wilkins speakers overpriced?

I see a lot of negative commentary on B&W. Why? Are they overpriced? Do they not sound as amazing as they look? Are they too “main stream”? - I love my 805 d3’s but curious why they get such a bad rep. 
I liked my 803's.  Very natural sound. They had very good resale value too.
Yes they are overpriced. All speakers are.
Disagree.  I bought a pair of used 1984 Klipschorns in 2001 from for $3,000.  Fair price...good deal. 

I could never had made a pair of speakers that good for the same price in research, materials, time, and effort.

Then, in 2019, I bought the Volti Audio upgrade package for the Khorns for $4,800.  I have yet to install the upgrade, but I have a feeling that it will be difficult to achieve a better sound for any price once they're dialed in.

All speakers are not overpriced.

Another + vote for the 805 model. I owned a pair from the generation prior to Diamond Tweeter series.

Happy Listening!
Lots of speakers are over priced.

then again, to those whom are blessed with a great job, and an amazing income, it is a non issue.
regular blue collar who make 38-50K a year, it’s an issue.

im in the blue collar range, just an average American hardworking patriot.  I search for deals, ......

if you. Have the scratch, hell yes I would enjoy some nice Dynaudio C4’s, probably not in this life.   Maybe after retirement I can start saving and work a week here and there to save for a wicked pair of speakers.   

Im VERY happy with what I have now.
ive never been happier than the two stereo systems I use nowadays.
I don't know that ALL are overpriced.
I'm pretty sure I got a fair shake when I bought my ESLs from 2 different brick & mortar dealers. The 10" 2 ways for $240, the 6' 3 ways for $900.
You'd have to pay ME to replace them with B & W's.
If THAT is too much then just do without and quit baby ballin'.