ATC SCM v3 - First impressions.......

Thanks to all here who provided their input......during the decision making process.........much appreciated!
I forgot to put it in the title , these are the SCM7 v3's.
I first want to report my Nuprime IDA - 8 is actually a very nice match for these speakers.
I can get to volumes above what I usually listen at easily and with no audible distortion or clipping, so that is cool since I really like the amp (I bought it used for $450).
I did try an older, higher current/output Yamaha I had laying around and all though it would play louder it wasn’t even close to the Nuprime in virtually every other area.

I initially set up the speakers positioned per the owners manual.
I experimented a bit and found 2 feet from the back wall and 2 feet from the side walls to be optimal in my particular room.
I primarily listened to Jeff Beck, Prince, Nas, Eminem, Art Blakey, Duke Ellington, Pink Floyd and Keith Richards streamed from Tidal for the following comments.

Probably the first thing I noticed about these speakers is that they disappear from the listening equation as much as possible, more so, than any other speaker I have owned, including some very high end, powered studio monitors.
They do not get more or less dynamic when you turn the volume up, or down.
They seem to stay completely "even keeled" dynamically, regardless of volume, they don’t seem to "flinch" at all.
This is a major plus because, as a result, dynamic changes in the music shine through without being distorted in intensity one way or the other due to the speakers own characteristics.

Tonally these things are fantastic, Jeff Beck’s Stratocaster on "Live from the Hollywood Bowl" sounds wonderful, with all the cut, warmth and "squank" you would expect to hear if you were at the concert.
You can hear the attack and decay of each note and how the tone changes color as the note decays.
Eminem’s voice on "Without Me" comes alive and you can feel the sense of urgency, sarcasm and humor trade places throughout the song. The whole mix sounds like a living, breathing thing as opposed to just a drum machine and a rapper.
Listening to "The Wall" by Pink Floyd was like it was remixed........
The positioning and depth of instruments was stunning..............both side to side and front to back.
Detail was fantastic as were timing and timbre.
I could easily distinguish all of Gilmour’s different guitar sounds/layers and the emotion in Richard Wright’s playing was awesome.

I have heard many talk of this speaker’s midrange being "magical" and I would say this holds true for the entire range except the very low bass and, at some point I will probably purchase a subwoofer.
This is a very truthful speaker but don’t take that to mean it is not is as exciting as the program material you feed it, which for me most of the time is very exciting.
But there is so much more to it than manages to convey the depth, emotion, tone, timbre and timing that get’s lost in some other speakers.
It’s hard to describe this speaker as "bright" or "rolled off" or "punchy" or "dull" because if all of those things are going on in a given will let you know.
All in all I could not be happier with these speakers (I bought them from The Music Room for $999)!
I think I would be very hard pressed to come up with a system that sounds anywhere near this one for anything close to $1,500 total.
Thanks for reading!

I do not have any affiliation with ATC at all.

Tell us about the poor midrange performance Kenjit?? Back something up you spout out about. Come on man!!! We are all on pins and needles. 

Ohh back to your BS. You haven't heard them with every amplifier every cable every room blah blah blah so your wrong. Any idea how f in stupid you sound? 

They have no weakness’ in sound quality.  They are perfect.  It probably has to do with the box.

Anyhow, to the OP, see?  I tolf you that you’d love them!  They are fantastic speakers.  I like the NuPrime too.  You have a nice little, simple set up that probably sounds outstanding.  Enjoy!

Tell us about the poor midrange performance Kenjit?
What hifi magazine in the UK did a review of another speaker in which they compared it against ATC. I am not mentioning this to endorse that product but as evidence to show that the ATC sound is not perfect and its only when you hear something superior that you realize that. 

Keep in mind that What hifi are huge fans of ATC they have awarded ATC 5 stars many times. I believe their reference speaker is also the flagship ATC. 

Despite their enthusiasm for ATC heres what they had to say about this other speaker they reviewed in comparison to the ATC

these speakers deliver a wonderfully laid-out soundstage: it’s solid and intricately layered with suitably well-recorded material. Even the best of their conventional rivals, such as the ATC SCM 11 and KEF LS50 speakers, sound vague and imprecise in comparison.

in another review they wrote

Multi-driver alternatives put bandwidth ahead of cohesion and timing.Compare any of these to the Eclipses, and they sound messy and poorly organised.

And that is true of the ATC. They are ultimately a multi driver speaker. And that statement by whathifi applies to the ATC too.

Nobody ever said ATC were perfect. You said they had crummy midrange. Why?? Where did you come up with that Kenjit? Maybe if they took those drivers and cut some holes in the side of the house they would be perfect??
You said they had crummy midrange. Why??
Did you not read my answer? I explained why already. Perhaps you have lower standards than i do? That would explain why our opinions differ.

Maybe if they took those drivers and cut some holes in the side of the house they would be perfect??

Unfortunately the domes are already sealed so they dont need a cabinet.