Should I pursue analog? Invest maybe 3 or 4 grand in a table and start buying records? Some stuff sounds really good on Vinyl but it's an expensive endeavor and NEW records aren't cheap. Plus thos pops and noise and a lot of setup required. Love the vintage aspect of it. Some records sound truly amazing on a really good table and cartridge. Take the plunge? Or buy a better DAC and dont look back!!! Lol. 
If the ticks and pops bug you, stay with digital. The better your table and phono amp, the less you notice. Buy older used originals instead of new records. Cheaper and sound better. 
I was recommended a MC cartridge from Japan with a Japanese name starts with an S. Its 750 bucks. So using the phono stage in my Parasound P7 wont work? Lol. It's got a switch for MC. 
Jeff, that is a personal decision you have to make for yourself. Too much money and effort involved so you really have to love it. I certainly would not get a VPI unless you can get it without a tonearm. Get a tonearm  with a good gimbal bearing. Uni pivot arms have too many degrees of freedom and can not hold a cartridge steady. If you look at the systems reviewers use they avoid uni pivot arm with perhaps the exception of the Graham. The very best arms have proper bearings.
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