The biggest problem in audio is the 100% fact that most audio products can not even reveal all aspects of sound. This can easily be proven by sound and stage.
People do audio by trial and error. So they never have an idea why the sound and stage is what they hear. What they do is replacing a part (amp, source, loudspeaker, conditioner, cable, etc) for another one. But they forget that they replace it with a product that also can not reveal all aspects of sound.
This is why each trial&error system will always be incomplete and miss different aspects of sound. So people will experience and describe it as less emotional and intense.
Wow! this is a first for me here.... You are right on the spot...
I say that in my thread for the last year...And I describe there my own experiments and experience that lead me to the exact conclusion your just write...
The only difference between you and me, I am only an ordinary guy with no background in science, I conduct my own experiments with my ears and listenings experiments without any knowledge... And I devise solutions homemade, new, and low costs a step at a time to please my ears ...Your solutions are probably better, but my own solutions drives me to the same conclusion than you.... I wrote the same thing in my thread....
Buying a new electronic component is not the way to upgrade a system because most people dont even know the real potential of their actual audio system and they dont even know that they dont know....
You said: «most audio products can not even reveal all aspects of sound» and for me the reason is linked to the deficient manner with which most people worked with the 4 points I described in my precedent post....Any relatively good product can reveal emotion and a good S. Q. if these 4 points are addressed.... The most important one being the electrical grid of the house( breaker panels, wall plug unused, router, box of optical cables etc). This is the reason why I think your product is probably very good...The electrical grid produce this electrical-smog that plague all audio system and is underestimated even by pro in audio....
I will not say something more here, because I dont own a high end dac and I dont want to derail this thread ….And people who are interested in high end dac are not interested by homemade low cost solutions in general.... My best to all...