My first response was an unexpected sense of relief, not just a letting go of my concern over making the right choice, but a relief of years of searching for something I hoped was out there but hadn’t yet found.
... listening to the Nenuphars brought on the same feeling I had when I listened to the Aidas: a holy-cow-kind-of-transportation, a feeling of encountering the real thing, an immersion into where the recording is taking you, like the struggle is over and there’s nothing left but to face the music.
Congratulations Stephen! What an outcome. So happy for you!
Which begs the question: "Would a 2A3 or 300b amp [offer] even more?"
I’m using 2A3 monoblocks with Emission Labs 2A3 Solid Plates. I encourage you to try out both 300B and 2A3 amplifiers and compare against your LTA and First Watt SIT-3 amps. Whichever amp you choose will be a choice among an abundance of riches, so to speak.