Higher End DACs

I am looking for a DAC (potentially streamer&DAC) to be paired in a mcintosh system (c1100/611). Its my first foray into digital streaming and I have no need for a CD player.

I see a lot of love for Esoteric, however, most seems to be around their transports? Are they not as renowned for pure digital streaming and/or standalone DACs? I see DCS (for instance) often referenced for standalone DACs - how does Esoteric compare?
@djones51 @lalitk 

it was all REALLY good until page 6 lol

honestly, it might be appreciated if folks think they may be taking a thread off topic (at least enough so that they apologize and indicate that they don't want to do that) - that they actually not take the thread off topic.

Maybe just to confirm, I was most interested in Esoteric, DCS, MSB, T+A DACs and their synergy/fit with my Mcintosh components :0

but I also realize its usually nice to have fulsome discussions...

Speaking of your quest for digital front, where are you on auditioning offerings from DCS, MSB or T+A?

Hate to repeat, but only way to know what sounds best with your existing gear is to listen new component in your home.

so, my local dealer (who ironically doesn’t carry any of those) has indicated he can get some demo units (at least for MSB and likely DCS...not as optimistic about T+A but given the MQA thing not sure that will matter to me)...

So, I basically need to tell him what I would like to try and he will work on getting what I want - I think this is dovetailing nicely into him otherwise wanting to establish some professional relationships with those particular brands as well.

if he can’t come through on an particular brand I would like to try, I will have considering going down the out-of-state path.

Sound like a plan. I always support local dealers, it’s an important relationship that pays out well beyond the initial demo/sale.
The word ’synergy’ is also just an illusion. And you know why? Because a source who is able to reveal all aspects of sound will always work better in any system than a source who lacks one or more aspects of sound.

When you judge most audio products, you will often hear that they choose for a focus (emphasis) on a certain frequency range. But an audio product always needs to be linear on the whole frequency range.

And you know why?

Because without this, a product can never reveal all aspects of sound. It will always show that it lacks one or more aspects of sound. The reason why you need all different parts of your system to be able to reveal all the different aspects of sound individual is based on this reason:

Even when you imply one part (it even can be one fuse) that can not reveal all aspects of sound. The end result of this system will always be incomplete. And it will create a lower level of emotion.

High-End is a level in sound quality where a system can prove by sound and stage that it can reveal all aspects of sound. When a system misses one or more aspects of sound it will always be a Hi-Fi system.

Over 99,99% of all produced audio products are 100% Hi-Fi products. Based on the fact that they all miss different aspects of sound. The stage and sound will always prove this easily.

The High-End show in Munich is a Hi-Fi show based on the fact that over 90% of all systems are 2-dimensional and even lacks more aspects of sound. People use and abuse the word ’High-End’ over and over again. It has no meaning anymore when you can not reveal all aspects of sound by your system. Then your system proves by sound and stage that it is just a Hi-Fi system.

In the end, only facts will show and prove the real truth in life. And for audio counts the same. Trial&error has given all people the wrong ideas and thoughts about sound and music. And what it did is creating only incomplete audio systems all over the world. Where people are only busy with their system instead of only listening to music.