Vimberg Speakers

Hi Guys,

Anybody owns Vimberg speakers?
Have you compared the normal version to the D version? (Diamond tweeter)
What were your listening impressions?
What do you drive them with? Are they difficult to drive being 4 Ohms?
Anyone heard them with the constellations Mono 1.0?
Are they difficult to place in the room?
Are they versatile speakers?

I'm going to rebuild a system from scratch and I'm interested in the Mino.
I don't want to spend more on power than on the speakers (ie too difficult to drive)

Any insight is appreciated,


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Do NOT let ANYONE tell you that the Vimberg's are "90% of the Tidal speakers at 50% of the cost!

That is inherently NOT the case...
Azjake hello. Yes the Vimberg speakers are very close to the Tidals, we have heard both extensively at Axpona, at Axpona 2019 the setup of the Tonda D was absolutely superb. 

In fact we signed on to be Vimberg dealers because of this demo.

The Tonda D filled up a giant room roughly 60 by 30. The bass was deep tight and controlled. The image was large and very well defined. 

The speakers had excellent air and overall clarity. The Tonda D or any Vimberg model especially with the Diamond upgrade will come quite close to the Tidals. 

The entire idea of launching Vimberg was to bring down the cost of owning a Tidal product to a much more reachable level, this was done by carefully making alterations to the cabinet material, bracing, finishing, and a few other areas, and of course using the standard version of the Accuton drivers vs the much more costly custom black versions made exclusively for Tidal.

The Tidal line is a more refined and the speakers with the Diamond midrange will sound even clearer and sweeter.

Based on our demos with a full Tidal system that was on display at Axpona vs the Vimberg display unless you put the speakers side by side you would be hard pressed to hear a major difference.

The areas are extended air, greater sweetness and musicality and overall greater refinement, in the Tidal line and you will have to pay a lot more money to get the subtitle but worthwhile improvements.

The reality is that Vimberg makes Tidal's house sound a much more attainable entity and enables the brand to effectively compete with Wilson, Focal, and many others while retaining the core principles of the brand. 

Dave and Troy
Audio Doctor NJ Vimberg dealers

I compared the contriva g2 to the tonda d and although the tonda was excellent the contriva g2 was far superior in every respect. Soundstage, imaging, extreme detail retrieval. It wasn’t close.