Evolution Acoustics MMMicroOne

Hey guys,

Has anyone heard the new Evolution Acoustics MMMicroOne? Just saw this pic from CES 2011.


Any thoughts on this one?
Jtinn, I do not think 20k of amplification is too much or little for any type of speaker price range. I am just pointing out that it is a very expensive integrated amp.

I hope that the MMMicroOne can give a substantial amount of it's performance with an integrated in the 3-5k price range, which is where it will mostly be used.

btw, are you the same Jonathon Tinn that was behind the Lyra Connoisseur preamps from years ago? They were very highly regarded equipment, and got the ravest reviews of any product that did not use advertising bribery (which always says something).
Greetings JT: I do understand your desire to defend and protect your position with the resources that you have available. It does even make some sense that you feel questions at times may be directed with fun intended to make a point at your expense. I may even be guilty of a few of making a few of those comments, I apologize if I have unintentionally offended you.

However, it does surprise me somewhat when you take a position ascribing motives and business methods to your competitors (recent example, your above-mentioned Magico comment) to artificially enhance your position...JT, any thoughts?
Take a look at speakers which use multiple ceramic/ceramic composite drivers. Their specs are not as expected for such small drivers. A few years ago I would not have agreed that such diminutive drivers could plumb those frequencies, but it's happening due to technological development. It takes exceptional engineering to have a smaller driver put out lower frequencies. It can be done, but there are trade offs, of course.

It seems the past five years has seen a development technologically of a new breed of drivers (How many ceramic drivers did you see prior to five years ago?) which can do lower frequencies even though more diminutive. The magnets, baskets, coils, etc. everything is changing to achieve that result. I saw very few ceramic drivers several years ago at shows, but now they are becoming quite accepted and for good reason.
Douglas: That is absolutely correct. Our diminutive mid-woofer driver is actually built like a subwoofer.
He is not alone in that. It sure felt like that at the show, when in so many rooms I found myself listening to some kind of "Magico bashing" or why my "$1500 so and so is so much better" conversation.
Jtinn and Douglas,
My $30 (Or less) PC sub, has a 4" driver in it. I wouldn't necessarily want to listen to it as a main speaker.