Where can I audition amps near Boston?

Hey all -

I'm planning to upgrade the power amp in my system in the next few months.  Brands I'm interested in are Bel Canto, McIntosh, and Quicksilver.

Does anyone know anyplace near Boston that carries any or all of these brands?  "Near Boston" for my purposes could include Rhode Island, eastern Connecticut, and southern New Hampshire.

I would love to be able to hear before I buy.

Thank you so much!
The "appointment" thing about Goodwin's is nonsense...trust me, these guys want to sell this stuff so your "gear bucks" are always welcome.

Feel free to wander in but don't expect to hear anything without an appointment. 
I love this thread :-)

I married up, a Radcliffe girl and we are overdue for a visit anyway....

tell me Woods Hole and the Cape is above water ?
Been to Goodwin's (it's nearby) a few times and never with an appointment...heard plenty including Magicos and Rockports and enjoyed the visits...I have no idea what an appointment would do...get a sales person assigned to me? I could yammer as therapy...hmmm...also, after a visit a few years ago the sales dude said to stop in any time as he knew he was lucky to have me there and likely was left feeling "special."
@tomic601 as of now, the Cape and environs are still dry land....

Thanks everyone for your suggestions!  I will surely follow up, and it's also good to know about all of the resources available in the area.

Also, if anyone has any thoughts about best pairing to the Ohm Walsh Talls out of the brands I mentioned, I'd be interested to hear!  FWIW, they're 88db and 6 ohm, they have a tweeter but not really a crossover.

Thanks again!!