Questions about Wall Audio Opus 120 phono

Anybody own or have any experience with this phono stage or any other gear offered by Wall Audio.
tooblue seems high@55db?MC@70...great if you're going to use a very low MC. But the popular .5mv or so carts...won't that introduce extra noise, particularly since your preamp will add it's own gain?
Guess you just have to be extra picky about cart selection.

It's full tube, so it's gonna be a little noisier than most of the popular models using step up for MC gain, and FET in the design. My old Fosgate(full tube) is hissy when cranked, not a deal breaker. But if you're obsessive about noise, and used to SS quiet, likely not happening with this unit?

@tablejockey , thanks for the info but really looking for some first hand experience with this unit, read all the info available even a review translated from German to English. The Opus 120 has two different M/C inputs, one high and one lower plus a M/M input. I run in my main system, an Allnic H1500se II which has 13 tubes and it is just short of dead quiet. In my headphone system I run a Aural Thrills Serenade which runs 4 12AX7 tubes and it has a little more noise than the Allnic. Highend Audio is winding their business down and offered their demo for sale here on Agon at a blow out price, $990.00 so I jumped on it even before I realized it had a lower M/C input as well as the 70 db. I will get with the dealer today and get some input.
After a second look it seems that it has the ability to run two different M/C inputs but am not sure that they aren't the same gain. The phone looks impressive and has some really nice features so even if the gain is at 70db for both M/C inputs My Lamm LL2.1 Deluxe preamp has a 15db attenuation switch to help with the high gain of the phone plus I seem to favor the lower output moving coils and own the AT ART7 @ .12mv, LYRA HelikonSL @.24mv, Dynavector DRT XV1s @ .34mv and my favorite the ZYX Universe @ .24mv. Another thought here is that my ATA Serenade is rated @ 60db but plays louder than my Allnic H1500 rated @ 66db through the same system.
Great score for $999! I would have jumped on it, if I stumbled across the listing, at that price.  What was the MSRP? 4-5k?

Your ART7 will sing. I use the ART9. Would like to try the 7, if I had the additional gain.
"Another thought here is that my ATA Serenade is rated @ 60db but plays louder than my Allnic H1500 rated @ 66db through the same system"
Interesting. The ATA matches up better than the Allnic in your setup?Input capacitance value which isn't an adjustable setting?

Good luck. For that price, if you don't like it,  no problem recouping your money if you sell it. You probably could sell it for a profit!

@tablejockey , Thanks for the input. After going back and rereading the translated review, it does say the second mc setting is 6db less output, so 64db and that should be a great fit for me. I also have the AT ART9 running on my headphone system and was looking forward to hearing it in that system as well. Really didn't need another phono stage but do have a very short list of items I would like to try if they become available so as I was doing my daily sweep of new adds this popped up, I just couldn't resist especially with the 2 year warranty intact, with that said I will be selling one of the three when all said and done. Enjoy the music