Streamer recommendation under $3000

Hey I am looking for a network streamer. Right now I have an SOTM 200 ultra with sps 500 psu. Its nice but  I'd like something with a better on and off mechanism and that doesn't have any microsd firmware that can be corrupted. Would like a pure streamer (no DAC) and should be roon ready.

So far considering bryston bdp2 (used), sim moon mind2.
Any thoughts?
I was using a Bluesound Node 2i and wanted something better also. I bought a Lumin U1 mini. I am running this into my modified MHDT Pagoda DAC. There is a noticeable improvement over the Node in transparency and how natural the tonal balance is. I always thought the Node added a slight digital "sheen" to the music. The Lumin is much more enjoyable to listen to.


Try an Aurender N100.
You do not say what output you need?
The N100 comes in two flavor, one is USB, one is digital coax output.

I moved to mine from a Bryston and prefer it immensely.
For myself the biggest letdown on the Bryston was the control software, Manic Moose, it was not user friendly IMHO.
I ended up setting it up as a dlna server and using bubbleupnp to control it which was much more stable.
Easy, Sonore xxxRendu. They only do Ethernet-2-USB and are ROON READY. I think they invented the steamer Ethernet-2-USB field. They are very active on Computer Audiophile forum, see @Barrows and @Vortecjr.

You can even get a fibre optical network setup with the Sonore line rather cheaply (a few hundred $$), though the last few centimeters will be USB and not fibre. Why is fibre cool? It cannot carry audio noise, unlike RJ45 and USB.

The only DAC I know of that directly supports fibre input is the Lumin X1. You spend a few hundred on a network switch that supports fibre and then connect a noiseless fibre cable from the switch to the Lumin DAC/streamer.

In the future, more DACs will support the fibre like Lumin X1 already does.
Lumin U1 Mini, Auralic Aries G1 or Innuos Zen Mk III.  All streamer only and Roon Ready.