Synergistic Research Cable Risers?

  Recenty Synergistic  research  brought out some cable risers.

  The audio press said they made one of the biggest differences when taken out of the system, then re installed back in. Does anyone have first hand experience with these ?

  That being said, they seem like quite a bit of money for what you get, however if they  work at improving the sound it would be worth it. I do use Synergistic products  which have made a definite improvement in sound but am quite skeptical on this product.
prof ...

  • "I’ve souped up my Volkswagen Golf to get 500 miles to the gallon. It’s amaaaazing!"

If you’ve replaced the internal combustion engine with electric, then I would believe you.

On the other hand, if I told you that I replaced the stock engine in my Volkswagen Golf with a motorcycle engine, and I’m turning 10 second ET’s at the strip, would you believe that, or would you call me crazy for even suggesting such a thing?


I would wager there far more "debbie downers" on here than nano tweakers. Reality bites.
Just so you know, unlike the people who knock things they don’t understand without even trying, I actually tried a bunch of different things and went for what worked best based on how it actually sounds. So rest assured this stuff works.

Whew! I’m glad that’s settled! Thanks! ;-)

BTW, everyone who uses and believes in homeopathic medicine, or astrology, or crystal healing,  would write almost word-for-word the same type of testimony. "I tried it and I can tell you the theory works." ;-)


You missed the point. Don’t change the analogy. If I told you I am getting 500 miles per gallon on the existing Golf you have a right to be skeptical of the claim WITHOUT "having tried it yourself?"
I’m pointing to the weakness in the purely subjectivist audiophile shibboleth "you can’t have a valid opinion about X tweak claim unless you have personally tried it!"

So much sniping and not one substantive comment on the item itself. Did anyone even bother to try and learn anything about it? Anyone? Beuller? 

Like all SR it says right on there they did extensive double-blind testing to select aluminum from among several different candidate materials. Same thing Ted did with metals when developing his Element series. Discovered tungsten that way. Which I know for a fact is awesome, since I have a set.

Anyone? Beuller? Dude comes on here asking for help, gets a little, then in no time flat it devolves into the usual blather. Pathetic.

What I see is after using double-blind testing to select the material they used more double-blind testing to develop a new HFT tuned for these risers. Anyone who has used HFT or ECT knows just how effective they are. 

My reviews of HFT, ECT and PHT have been up for months, and there are others. This isn't random dudes blathering away while working on a beer at the bar, this is serious audiophiles with substantial systems and reams of posts as evidence of their ability to hear and evaluate. Ted Denney has a solid 30 years history of developing products that provide good value for money. My personal experience has been they are always among the top values in their category. 

This is not the kind of record you can even dent with bar room banter. All that does is drive your own credibility even further into the toilet. Which most of you ought to be so ashamed of by now, but you're here, therefore no sense of shame. Which is why I say, pathetic. 

All that remains now is for the golden stream of light in the darkness to emerge and call me a shill. Even though I have said nothing one way or the other about how good this stuff is. But that's what passes the time for you guys. Pathetic.