Benchmark DAC-1


I have the first Benchmark DAC-1, bought in 2005, I think.
What can I expect to benefit if I upgrade to a modern DAC in the price range of $2000-$4000?

Thanks in advance!
Hey OP,

I've not listened to that model. I'll say this. If you hear a big difference between Redbook (44.1/16) and high resolution, upgrade.

The newer DAC's have much better CD performance.
I had the Benchmark 1 and now have the 3. I didn't keep the 1 very long I actually liked the dac in my old Pioneer CD player better. The 3 is a really nice dac plays everything with ease doesn't add or take anything away so lousy recordings sound just that but good recordings sound great. If you had the Benchmark 2 I would say to keep it but you could do better with a newer model dac even if it's a Topping D70 or D90 or something comparable. 
Thanks for the responses so far guys. I have an Ayre AX-7e, so I guess my dac suits the amplifier, but still I think there should have been some development for the last 15 years. I play almost all of my music through a PC using toslink, rest of the times I use an old Squeexbox 3 with RCA and Tidal.
My advice is, don’t buy anything before you hear it. Your current setup is good enough that it’s too much of a risk to buy before hearing.

The latest bargain darling is the Topping D90. I would be tempted by that if I needed a DAC. Its measurements show evidence of excellent engineering, and most comments I've seen about its sound quality have been quite positive. If bought from Apos Audio, it can be returned if you don’t like it.

Good luck, and have fun!
If you're looking for high technology there are plenty of candidates in that price range. If you're looking for music, consider a used Audio Note, or an Audio Note Kits 2.1 kit professionally assembled by them.