Suspended cables

Hi folks,

Still a bit of a newbie here.

I have gained an understanding of the reasoning behind keeping speaker cables off the floor.

So ...,

Each of my mains have a 1.5 meter cable connected to it’s own monoblock. The monoblocks sit 26" above the floor and nearly level with the speaker terminals. Speaker to monoblock distance allow the cables to be suspended completely from the floor in a loosely hanging arc (about 8" above the floor).

Is this better than using cable risers? 
Are there any reasons not to do this? Stress on connectors? Bad for cables?

Thanks all!

On behalf of the newbie, note the date of his inquiry perhaps a little acknowledgement and dialogue respectfully wouldn't be out of hand. As for those with little interest, stop at the header text... Scan and read selectively. Move on, go away.

The audio system of most people, unbeknownst to them, are too noisy to conduct subtle listening experiments most of the times, and they are not trained by the experimental exercise that is implicated in the 4 embeddings processes...

Changing a piece of gear in an upgrade does not count as an experience in listening, because the perception of changes is too biased by the purchase and sometimes too big and cannot be compared to another small past increasing changes like in various continuous experiments with the same pieces of audio system....

I learned that only correcting and controlling the 4 modalities of embeddings of an audio system make us able to discern what does what in an audio system...Upgrading a piece without knowing its real peak potential sound quality is foolish, and if we want to work with a piece of gear at his top potential we must correct and controls the 4 modalities of the piece’s embeddings...

Then lifting cables will not makes a difference for most people most of the times, because their audio system is not even prepared , and they are not trained themselves with a rightly prepared audio system able to make them self trained listener in their own audio history...

By the way I know that cable location and position makes a difference....And for the OP question, I myself will let them loose in this delicate arc by themselves because of their short lenghts ....If they were of a longer length I will be inspired to look for something like in  millercarbon virtual system photos.... 

@Mahgister - I was just thinking the same thing.  Will likely not bother with monofilaments.

@Millercarbon - Yes, very cool setup!  Lots of it still way over my head but very cool! Been taking your advice in some of my setup.  Not complete yet.  Yeah, I know it never will be. 

Guess I meant awaiting remaining "core" components because,... 

Still waiting on Swarm delivery! 

Will provide updates on this unusually small listening room setup.  Swapped in 3 different subs.  Did the crawl method with each. Results were satisfactory at best with one of the subs and in just ONE tiny listening location in the room.

Thanks again everyone for responding!  Reading these threads are always educational and entertaining (certainly never dull!).

Hoping to be able to contribute soon.  Soon as I know what the heck I'm talking about!  
Auditory hallucinations
-Drugs,sleep deprivation,migraines,mental illness can often trigger the illusion of sounds that are not there. We're OK on that front,and have a well appointed acoustically prepped sound area. Now fitted with personal audio equipment approaching 100 K...If there was a mechanic in the can we've tried it.Knowing people in the recording industry did help beat down a few snake oil theories.If it sounds is, if there's no science that's the red flag. It's an incredible hobby and with due diligence richly rewarding.