Manley Chinook Owners Tube Rolling

Just bought a Chinook M2 SE  From Upscale Has anyone tried other tubes besides the 6922 Tungstran i think that Kevin picked out. Would it even make a difference?
Thanks, Mike
Do you have tube linestage as well?  I ask because I tried tube rolling in my Herron VTPH2A with poor results - ended up going back to the ones Keith provided as they clearly sounded the best.  However I did roll the two 6922's in my linestage, replacing them with early 70s NOS 7308 Mullards sourced from Brent Jessee and it made huge upside difference.
You just bought it.

Listen to your records and enjoy them for at least a month. Asking about changing an already good setup, is a not a good sign.
I tried both versions of the Chinook. It's a great unit either way. Tube rolling is subjective, it can be very subtle,or not noticeable at all depending on your own ears/system.
You just purchased it.

Spend time listening to it, and enjoy it.I've tried both the stock version and the SE. Either way, its a nice unit.

Subjectively, tube rolling can change the sound. Depending your own hearing, it can be subtle or you may not even hear it as an improvement. Power cord may also change presentation.