You are invited on a "trip down memory lane".

This thread is, of course, mainly hyperbole (or less kindly B.S.).  But that said, what is an item from your sound system over the course of your journey that you would most want to have back?  I have sold some that I, likely, should not have.  Mine would be the CJ ART pre-amp and the Magnepan MG-20....a distant 3rd and mostly nostalgia would be the Dahlquist DQ-10 speakers. 

Oh, they also dispatched a Garrard 301 and a box of spare tubes like CV4004/M8137/ECC803S etc. probably worth $000s now.
VTL Tiny Triodes mono blocks, second version.  Only 500 pairs made.  They were gorgeous, small in stature and could scare the hell out of a lot of speakers much larger than them....... and I stupidly sold them.

I took them to an audio shop to demo a pair of Martin Logan Aerius and they took hold of them and shocked the salesman.  Fun stuff.
Most wanted to have back, in no particular order: MAC MC30’s, Precision Fidelity C7A & Levinson No.29.


Mjcmt: I’m with you on the Pass Labs Aleph 30. I have one and regularly rotate it into my system. It has a musical purity that is amazing and drives my Audio Physic Virgo III’s with ease.

Probably my Don Garber Fi-X integrated ... such a novel industrial design, and sounded great thru my Cain & Cain Abby’s (which I also miss).

From a nostalgic perspective, it would be the McIntosh MR-55 tube tuner, born about the same as me, and part of my first system out of college.

I have actually repurchased a good bit of some nostalgia ... 

My college-bound sister (and I was high school bound) talked parents into first ‘real’ stereo based on Lafayette components, and I’ve reacquired the Lafayette LA-950 and matching tuna) but not the Garrard 40B nor Criterion 100B’s)

My system just out of college ... I’ve reacquired the JVC JA-S44 and matching tuna, and Polk Mon7’s (but not the Pioneer PL-117D nor McIntosh MR-55)

So Tom Wolfe and Yogi weren’t quite right.
I lost a pair of 7, 8, and 9 Kappas due to the Campfire in Paradise Ca. a year and 4 months ago. I miss my Kappas. The 8's and 9's were hard to power, but they sounded great.