Evolution Acoustics MMMicroOne

Hey guys,

Has anyone heard the new Evolution Acoustics MMMicroOne? Just saw this pic from CES 2011.


Any thoughts on this one?
My pair of Micros Ones arrived this week. In over 30 years of being in the high-end, these little jewels are with the possible exception of the Maggie's the best value in high end audio today. IMO, if they sold for double what they are today you would still have to spend more than $10k to approach their performance.

My wife came into my listening room yesterday and her first remark was "wow those little speakers look great"! Since my wife is an interior designer who hates "man speakers" that is high praise indeed. To finally have a small speaker that rivals my love of great dipoles ala Maggie's, Sanders Sound Systems, and Quads is a dream come true. As always go have a listen and trust your ears:-)

I am a dealer for Evolution speakers so please accept the above comments with the usual "grain of salt".

I have heard a lot speakers in my time and the Sander Sound model 11 electrostatic speaker system is one of the best speakers I have ever heard...at any price!

If these MM Micro Ones can get you even close in sound to the Sander's.. then they are going to sell a h@ll of a lot of these speakers !!...
Any other feedback on this speaker? About to send in payment for a pair. Have a fairly large room with 22' ceilings.
I'm also about to order a pair of these speakers, could we get some feedback with a lot cheaper gear?
I agree with Hifisoundguy. If you can even remotely approach the sound a good panel with a cheap box then you are cooking with gas. Panels have never been practical for me, and thus I have sought out boxes that approach their openness and speed. I think proper engineering of the box goes a long way towards that goal, and both Vapor and EEs are to be congratulated for their efforts for making it affordable....