Should I pursue analog? Invest maybe 3 or 4 grand in a table and start buying records? Some stuff sounds really good on Vinyl but it's an expensive endeavor and NEW records aren't cheap. Plus thos pops and noise and a lot of setup required. Love the vintage aspect of it. Some records sound truly amazing on a really good table and cartridge. Take the plunge? Or buy a better DAC and dont look back!!! Lol. 
Dear @tomwh : First I can’t understand why instead to made a reference to me in an indirect way did not do it directly because as you I have a name too.

Now, """ have not built anything themselves so have no first hand knowledge of what is going on....""

way wrong: along a friend I designed/builded a first rate SS phonolinepreamp Essentiakl 3150 and 3160. ) that even today is a challenge even for the CH items and exist at least seven proudly owners to attest my statement.
In the other side I designed/builded too several tonearms and today I use a unique tonearm prototype that you can’t ever dream its quality performance levels and certainly is not unipivot for very good reasons/. In other time I let you know why not unipivots and I still owned at least two unipivots. No you have to learn by your self why no unipivots.
I always post first hand experiences nothing is just bla, bla,etc.

This has no sense when posted:

""" ask you what you wanted from vinyl. Notic .."""

yes you are " rigth " because maybe the OP wants to use the Vinyl as dinner table plates/dishes. " Agreee with you " ?????

But you as the OP showed through what you posted that your true knowledge levels are very low too:

""" The 3-5 grand cartridge statement is the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard ..""

ridiculous? why? because you prefer the 103 or the cartridge mediocrity market niche?

Don’t tell me that you belongs too to that mediocrity/average audiophile. Could be that way, I really don’t care.

Regards and enjoy the MUSIC NOT DISTORTIONS,

more: """ If hip hop, rap, punk, or electronic stuff is your thing maybe digital would be the way to go. ""

who told you is not for the analog alternative? " crazy " statements for say the least.

Dear @jeffvegas : """ Technics was always my favorite at Radio Shack. But I never spotted Mark Levinson gear next to it. """

from where or why do you posted that kind of no sense statement?

No sense because is coming for a not so smart/wise true analog/digital rookie.

Things are that I owned/own 3 Technics, 2 Denon and one JVC DD TTs 1 BD Micro Seiki and  2 BD Acoustic Signature and I own a pair of Levinson monobloks amplifiers.

Certainly not only a roockie but a " troller " too: very bad/terrible combination for your self because what you did or do it do not cares any one in this thread or every where. Got it?


Congradulations on your purchase, and your support of your local dealer, and your decision to buy based on what you saw and heard, better known as a very informed decision.

I will make one last recommendation for the Soundsmith Carmen MKII on sale for $699. This is a very easy cartridge to drive, your current preamp MM will drive it fine, no need to go buy a new phono preamp right away, and this cartridge is very forgiving, and has been well reviewed.   The hype-elliptical sylus is not exotic like a shibata, but nor is it as critical of vertical tracking angle, and the latest best documented stylus life puts them both at about 750-1000 hrs,   And, the Soundsmith cartridges are known to be quiet, they tend not to emphasize clicks and pops.  Also, you can send the cartridge back to Soundsmith and they will rebuild it for $199, and when they rebuild, they also replace/upgrade the suspension, so you get back effectively a like-new cartridge.  For moving coils, the best you can get without paying about 80% of the original cost is a re-tip with a partial cantilever replacement, but the suspension is not replaced.  However, if your dealer is selling the Hana and they will install, then that needs to be serious consideration as a 1st cartridge.
They can get soundsmith too. My current preamp a Parasound Halo P7 has a switch for moving coil but that doesnt mean I might not try a very good MM. I am in a small condo with Martin logan Esl9 and 2 REL S5/10 SUBS. I moving a lot of air in a small place which is one of the reasons I chose the stability of a gimbaled arm over the VPI Unipivot. I may also consider the soundsmith MM because of its superior stability compared to a MC. The Hana is good but a REAL MC cartridge starts around 2 thousand bucks. 
@jeffvegas,  Congratulations. I'm sure it is a good table. I don't know about the BelCanto phono preamp cause I've not heard it. But I've never heard anyone speak of it either. Whatever the case, a good phono stage is a necessity in order to get the best from your TT. I'd rather spend the $$$ on a phono pre than the cartridge. Fact is that everything counts. Its only as good as the weakest link. But I suspect a lesser cartridge will give you more with a good preamp, verses high $$ cartridge on a lesser preamp.

From some of your posts, I sense some frustration on your part. Don't let that interfere with putting together a good vinyl playback system. There's a lot of good information on this board. Sorry if my earlier  post indicated different. You just have to learn to get to the info which is applicable to you. Anyway, enjoy the new TT