Future of cables!


I know very little about cable technology & even less about quantum physics. I read this & immediately thought (10+yrs down the road) this would upend cable tech: efficiency, clarity, & probably a bunch of stuff I don’t even know about that goes into cable science.

So, say hello to your new 2030 $70k cables. I’m curious what other people think.
And we keep marching on to the tunes of our own beliefs and opinions......🥁
Beliefs and opinions are nothing except if someone communicate about the way to verify them... I did... Think about the way to changes the controls of the 4 embeddings of an audio system....I made it for myself and it is possible to verify it with homemade means and at relatively low cost... Who says better?
"2. Why do seemingly insert audio components like solid state amps benefit from being isolated from external vibration?"
Because they may rattle. It helps to tighten the screws, though.
Captain Irrelevant asks:

1. Does external vibration affect the signal in wires and if so how?
Yes. And see below.
2. Why do seemingly inert audio components like solid state amps benefit from being isolated from external vibration?
They don't. They benefit from vibration control. There is no such thing as isolation.
3. Is the audio signal In wires itself vibrational?

Yes. Which answers the first question as well.