Trivializing what I have is the best...

I have enjoyed and used this site since it's beginning.  It seems that many threads now boil down to people defending what they own in the manner of "what I own is the BEST!)....kind of like a high school pep rally. 

Any comment that ends with "see", needs to be read by the person that wrote it. 
Identity and brands is a real thing.

It is not every person who can enjoy what they own, be a fanboy and still respect the desire of others to love and listen to something entirely different.

This takes some introspection and goodness knows I am not perfect. :)

I think we should be free to like some things, not like others in a civil and constructive manner.


The general definition of Choice Supportive Bias from Wikipedia:


The tendency to remember one's choices as better than they actually were. In this respect, people tend to over attribute positive features to options they chose and negative features to options not chosen.