Wilson's Chronosonic XVX loudspeaker over 3/4 of a million US dollars

Wonder what the impedance/-phase angle graph will look like on these puppies, looking at the amount of D'Agostino amps used to drive them, I'd say could be pretty evil.


Cheers George
It’s cheating of course, but some of us enjoy “ low efficiency but also low trash “ speakers that are an easy load, low pass optimized with a power factor corrected feed forward bass amp and another optimized high pass amp with just 5 active components in the signal path....

somewhere... I remember a class on systems engineering...

oh and because the room is part of the system. 11 bands of analog EQ below 120 hz

your mileage may vary
Does kind of remind me of technical amplifier discussions pre Matti Otola...

but it measures great

but it sounds like crap

but it measures great

maybe we should measure something else ?
Of course there is still the high negative feedback club in love with sine waves..,
Cracks me up you amp guys sweat over tenths of a % and tolerate a paper Wilson midrange ( for example as let’s say representative) that is out of phase 50% of the surface area of the cone at the crossover point...

$500 to scan your favorite driver and know the truth....
Go away please, you have lost all cred.

Where's the stinkin' cheers when we really need it?