Evolution Acoustics MMMicroOne

Hey guys,

Has anyone heard the new Evolution Acoustics MMMicroOne? Just saw this pic from CES 2011.


Any thoughts on this one?
Hello folks,

I have been living with the MMMicro ones for a while now and can confidently say that it is a superb sounding speaker and excellent value.

It has anazing timing, coherence, resolution, and dynamics. The tweeter on the unit is a tour de force. That said the mids/bass are good to. The speaker does have good bass within its range.

The speaker defintely improves with break-in. Bass more clearly defined and deeper and the tweeter, while very hot initially is mellowing with time.

This speaker can defintely play with the big boys and improvements in quality to the front end will not be wasted.

Highly recommended.

So we see Magico V2/V3 flying around on the 'Gon for 9/12K.

How does the MM1 run with these dogs? I wonder if the MM1 with a dialed in Sub will sound as good or better than the V2/3.

I heard the Magico V2 a very long time ago. I was impressed at the time. I think this is the sweet-spot in their line and I'm not a big fan of the aluminum-enclosure speakers even though they get a lot of good press. I have heard systems at CES that the reviewers raved about which I thouhgt were excriutiatingly brigth and just horrible...one of them was the aluminum M6 or 7 (their original big aluminum speaker).

The V2 was very smooth, relaxed but very detailed and coherent. A very good speaker. To me the MMMicro-1 is more open and neutral sounding without sounding analytical.

I have heard the Magico M-1's 2-way. As far as 2-ways go, 25K or 2.5K for the MMM-1....that only takes a second of thought. I would use the difference in money in the front end.

I like full range speakers...but I would be a little cautious in using a sub with the MMM-1. My concern is screwing up some of the balance and qualities of MMM-1.

I'm not a big fan of subs. Better to get a fully integrated design as "all of the parts are meant to fit together".

The MM-1 excells at upper bass and mid-bass but don't do low bass well as they are not designed for that.

All that said, the MMM-1 is an exceptional speaker and withing it's design range I would not chose another 2-way. AND, you would have to spend a lot of money to get a three-way with the level of performance in the mid/treble.

Have fun,


I have the Genesis S/4 sub and I find it to be an easy setup with the MM1. It makes a big difference in my rather large room.
I'm curious as to how the MMMicro One sound is compared to either the DeVore Gibbon 3xl or the Harbeth line of speakers? Anyone have experience with both?