Wilson's Chronosonic XVX loudspeaker over 3/4 of a million US dollars

Wonder what the impedance/-phase angle graph will look like on these puppies, looking at the amount of D'Agostino amps used to drive them, I'd say could be pretty evil.


Cheers George
it would be a great demo, 400's on speakers relentless on subs, and so on, what a great afternoon  mixing up those six amp around, 
unless you’ve heard a wilson speaker in your home criticism is conjecture at best.
it’s tiring that every Wilson thread brings out class envy which has become so prevalent in our culture. I can’t afford a Ferrari but have no feelings one way or another about the owner as it has nothing to do with me. fwiw I own ‘budget’ Wilson’s and remain quite pleased. 
it’s tiring that every Wilson thread brings out class envy which has become so prevalent in our culture.
not equally on every forum. it is particularly prevalent (and tiring) here. on some forums it's chill enough that Wilson Audio participates. would never work here.

forums and the 'vibe' come in all shapes and sizes. no right or wrong to this.
it’s tiring that every Wilson thread brings out class envy which has become so prevalent in our culture.

If you mean pretentious dealers, I'm with you.  :-D

But lets not ignore the opposite is also true: Snobbery.  The belief that money = quality and that certain brands and only those brands can prove my audiophile credentials.