Innuos - New Re-Clocker

Heard Innuos was launching a Re-Clocker.  Anyone have details on the specs and performance?
Well said @steakster 
With all due respect, you forgot two important things Innuos does with great promptness (based on my own experience):

1) Product support (“small” thing like the CEO doing remote sections to fix an issue)

2) Warranty support
I'm no longer sure what the meaning of "reclocking" is as used in this thread.

With asyncronous (not at the same time) USB, the pulling of data from the source (USB) is done by the DAC.  The source (the PC or streamer) has no effective control over it, and must wait to be called.

It will take a lot for me to understand how ANY clock in the middle of this would affect the outcome, except perhaps to make things worse.

The DAC doesn't "reclock" because it IS the clock.

@thyname Thanks for sharing, via your additional posts, your findings and differences with the Phoenix in the chain and without.

I’m surprised by your choice in USB cables, given your attention and taste in choosing quality components.

I’d expect further improvements (since you are deep into a USB based signal path) with USB cable ’upgrades.’ Just a thought and worth testing out.
@erik_squires : I fully understand your comment. I was in the same position, and I (still) don’t pretend to understand the reclocking part, re: the audio vs. signal part of the USB transmission. The proof in the pudding (is this the right word?) is trying for yourself, in your own system. Everything else is just talk and theory. That is of course if this intriguing enough for you to make you try

@david_ten  : you are absolutely right. This caught me off guard with USB cables. While I am absolutely convinced on the Sonore by Cardas USB cable, from previous experiments,  I did not have a second good USB cable when the PhoenixUSB arrived. Unprepared. I will definitely experiment further. I am eying a Shunyata Sigma USB, but too expensive for me for now
Has anyone here tried the reclocker with one of our very own Grannyring USB cables?