You could work for any manufacturer, past or present...

If you had a chance to work with anyone related to audio, pro or home, spend time in the workshop, go to the shows and sell it, who would it be?

RIP, Mad Mike...*skoal*'clink'*

At least you had the gumption to defy all to try....there's honor in that.

Yeah, the majority of us can laugh, call him a fool, mad, a waste of misguided talent and energy...but a willingness to put skin into the game and pay the Big Price for it....

That level of commitment at least deserves respect.

I have a shirt in the closet with an image of the Space Shuttle.
When I wore it more often, I'd get the comment....

"But people have died in that thing!  Would you....Do you still want to go?!"

Oh, Hell Yes!   In a N.Y. minute...

It's the most exciting ride one could wish for.

It makes history every single time it flies, whether it comes back or not.

If you're on it, it's because you've worked to get aboard and you deserve to be on it.

It's the most unique experience one will ever have, ever.

....and the view is incredible.

You return with a perspective that changes you indelibly.


I've wished that the ISS inhabitants would turn the cameras away from Earth...when on the night side on an orbit....

....and give us the view towards Out There...

...a view unfettered by pollution, clouds, air....

The view of the Real Deep.

I may a 'silly romantic' about it, but I'd like to see it.

With my own eyes...
asvjerry. I hear you dude .
All that fun and Space program cost us only a trillion dollars and we got teflon !
(3 trillion in to days $$$) Who needs Health Care anyway !

Honestly I don’t know much about Tannoy, except that it is "venerable" and British.

Help me out, when and why would you choose them?