does MacBook Pro need a DAC?

Not an engineer with a basic question. Just got a new MacBook Pro. It has AudioMIDI setup with format up to 96k hz.
I am using it by plugging in a cable into a headphone jack with the other end going into the receiver. A friend suggested I get a DAC. but I don't see what purpose would an additional DAC serve. Isn't my MacBook Pro already converting digital to analog signal? and is it doing it efficiently? enough for high quality reproduction? thanks in advance to all who respond
Not using a DAC with a Macbook is like not using a decanter with a fine red wine. f1status above has it right. Your learning curve may not be as steep as his, but every step will be a big one. Start with any of the cheap DACs mentioned above.
Just listen to it for a while first.  Just enjoy your music, movies etc..
Whenever you are ready, borrow a dac from your buddy and just see if you can hear the difference.

My PC's built in chip set failed. Followed by an failed add in sound card a year later. I moved onto external DAC/amp at that time and brought my stack forward onto every new PC build for quite a few years now.
If you watch movies, then it is definitely better to take advantage of your receiver's DAC/surround sound processor.

If you listen to music (and that is the impression I get), give your receiver's DAC a try and keep it that way if you like the sound. If you want even better sound quality, go for a better, standalone DAC.

(Was it Neil Young who recently said that the Macbook Pro has Fisher-Price audio quality?) 
I run a USB Audio to my McIntosh MA8900 and it works fine. Not the best out there for sure (given the limitations of the MacBook) but it is affordable until I get a better solution.